Preserve Your Polish Heritage
The Polish Heritage Center is actively seeking contributions of photographs, documents, memories and stories, artifacts and books for consideration from Polish ancestors and descendants from the early immigrant settlements in Texas to be included in the library and permanent archives.
For questions or assistance please contact PHC Librarian/Archivist Lauren Robinson at or call (830) 310-8612.
Please click on the link Online Collections | The Polish Heritage Center at Panna Maria ( to view the PHC's online collections including "Family Records," library, and archives.


Photos and Documents
Descendants from the early immigrants in Texas please share your photos and documents with us. The Center welcomes copies of wedding certificates, citizenship papers, birth and death certificates, etc. Family photographs of a variety of subjects are welcome including portraits, group gatherings, reunions, life on the farm or at work, family settlements and buildings, events, parish picnics, weddings and other ceremonies, etc.
Please click to download and use this:
the following form is helpful to identify the photos:
This will help us make sure we have the correct information (see our Upcoming Events page for scheduled Scanning Sessions and contact PHC Librarian/Archivist Lauren Robinson to make a personal appointment or for instructions on how to send photographs electronically.
These scans are available through an online database sorted by family names. To view these records please click on the link Online Collections | The Polish Heritage Center at Panna Maria (, and then click "Family Records."
Written Memories and Stories
Attention: Polish descendants of the early immigrant settlements in Texas! Every story matters and should be preserved such as:
Family memories/stories or memories past down by an ancestor
Parish activities, celebrations at holidays, family events and traditions
Working on the farm or occupation; community and civic activities; achievements
Military service or family member’s military service
Positive life lessons or values; hardships overcome
Speaking polish; education and school stories
Polish songs
Favorite family recipes


Here are a few sample memories shared by Polish descendants:
Alice Jendrusch: “I remember the droughts, hail storms, high winds, and small tornadoes. We burned pear to feed the cattle during the drought. We also knelt down on our knees and prayed a rosary as a family.”
Susan Moczygemba McKinsey: “The stuffing recipe for the Panna Maria Turkey Dinner originated from Felix C. Moczygemba’s World War II Army cookbook. Tweaked over the years, it is always a crowd favorite and people always ask for the recipe, until they realize it is meant to serve 300.”